In Zsámbék and its surroundings, there are not only exciting hiking and sightseeing programmes, but also great swimming and wellness programmes, and anglers can also enjoy two super fishing lakes nearby. You can recharge your batteries locally in the spa … Tovább

There are many bathing and fishing opportunities for tourists arriving in Zsámbék

Discount for weekday and Sunday bookings
Our Sunday discount is still available. If you book Sunday in addition to Friday and Saturday, we will give you a 50% discount on your Sunday booking. (This discount applies to bookings made after 27 April 2022.) Find out about … Tovább

Martin’s Day wine festival – Photo report
Zsámbék offers excellent programmes for every season. Although, here too, summer is the real festival season, there are smaller but high-quality local events in the autumn, as well. Most recently, the Nyakas Hill Wine Road Association organised a Martin’s Day … Tovább

Our 200-year-old cellar is renewed
After several months of work, the old cellar of our 200-year-old Swabian farmhouse has been renewed and can be used again from October. The floor has new brick tiles, the walls have been whitewashed and the equipment has been updated. … Tovább

Prices have changed from the end of September!
We love our guests, we love our guesthouse and we believe in Hungarian tourism and the city of Zsámbék. So we decided to persevere, despite the high utility bills, rising taxes and costs. However, since September 23, 2022, we had … Tovább

The Zsámbéki Guesthouse tells the story of local families’ lives
The history of the Zsámbéki Guesthouse dates back for more than 200 years, to 1815. Like all old houses, this one tells so much more than the history of the building itself – for two old families of Zsámbék, the … Tovább

Wellness in Hotel Szépia
The Zsámbéki Guesthouse and its huge garden offers a vast variety of active and passive recreational and relaxation opportunities for our guests: baking and cooking in the pavilion, garden games, sporting equipment, or games in the barn. And if you … Tovább

10% discount for our guests in Dióhéj Café & Bistro
A great breakfast or a delicious coffee in the afternoon at the foot of the Romtemplom. Betti and Attila welcome you to their cosy café, Dióhéj Café & Bistro. Guests of the Zsámbéki Guesthouse receive a 10% discount. Opening hours: … Tovább

Garden barbecue, cooking, outdoor and folk games
In the Zsámbéki Guesthouse and its large garden you will find a wide range of recreational activities, no matter the season. Masters of outdoor cooking will be in their element here, as oven, barbecue, indoor and outdoor cooking pits are … Tovább

Discounted prices on weekdays, up to -50% on Sundays
Due to employment in industrial parks and construction sites in area, workers from all over the country visit Zsámbék and its surroundings. That’s why we’ve decided to make it easier for them to find accommodation by offering a discount on … Tovább

Goods from the countryside – Folk ornaments, souvenirs and various commodities at discount prices from our partners
Surprise your loved ones or yourself with handicraft creations from the “Falusi Portékák” webshop. Guests can buy rustic-style products with an 8% discount. Discount coupons are available at the guesthouse and in the post-trip email. Check out the website and … Tovább

Open day at the Zsámbéki Missile Base
On 14 May, the Zsámbéki Missile Base – Military Cultural Centre will hold an open day. Military traditionalists, vehicles, viewing and testing of veteran military motorbikes and much more are among the activities. Detailed information here! If you don’t have … Tovább

Walking and cycling tours, Zsámbékfutás in 2022
On 9 April, there will be a spring hike and cross-country run in Zsámbék. Registration: until 7 April. ROADS: 6 km, 11 km, 16 km, 26 km. Detailed information on the program is available here If you don’t have … Tovább

Spend Easter and Pentecost with us!
Take it slow on the weekend, let go of the daily stress and relax in Zsámbék, in our cosy 200-year-old guesthouse. Click here now to book one of our rooms! 3 rustic apartments and 2 rooms for a total … Tovább

Hegyalja Restaurant offers a 10% discount for our guests
Fans of Hungarian cuisine will more than happy at the Hegyalja Restaurant in Zsámbék, but vegetarians will also find plenty of options that is suitable for their diet. The conveniently located restaurant is not far from the church ruins, and … Tovább

Discounts for pilgrims on the Way of St James
Our guesthouse offers a 5% discount for pilgrims on the Way of St. James, subject to the presentation of a Way of St. James pass/seal booklet. If you don’t need bed linen but sleep in your own sleeping bag, we’ll … Tovább